The United Kingdom, UK has announced that its White Paper on International Development, tagged Digital Development Strategy, DDS is focused on providing digital skills to over one million Nigerian beneficiaries in the next two to three years, even as it will actively play huge roles in the development of the Nigerian digital transformation agenda.

This is besides the millions of Nigerians, including women and girls and People With Disabilities, PWDs the Kingdom has already benefitted through various Digital Skills Projects.

Announcing the plan at the residence of the Deputy High Commissioner in Lagos during a workshop with technology journalists, UK High Commission, through its different Heads of department said Nigeria is its prime market and having spent 80 years in Nigeria, it would be a disservice if it does not transfer to Nigeria the technologies that made it number one in Europe and third in the world in technological development.

the High Commission also revealed that Nigeria and UK scooped a whopping seven billion pounds in business transactions, just last year alone, buttressing the point that the country was central to its development agenda.



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