Guess what? Oga Trump decided to have the last laugh…or so it seemed!

With only three days to the end of his presidency, Trump aannouned an ease on traveling restrictions on travelers from about 26 European countries in the Schengen zone, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Brazil only leaving in place restriction for travelers from Iran and China. This lift in restriction is supposed to begin on Tuesday, January 26.

But can you blame him really? It’s only obvious that the advice he received stemmed from a statement released by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) last week. The CDC had said that travelers will need a negative Covid-19 report, that is, they were to get tested three days to their flight to the US as well as provide a written proof of their lab result or recovery from the disease.

Baba did not even finish making the announcement when Biden countered it through his press secretary, Jen Psaki, saying, “with the pandemic worsening and more contagious variants emerging, this is not the time to lift restrictions". Superman to the rescue!

This Trump guy knows just how to stir up trouble. Now countries in those regions Trump mentioned are singing in P-Square’s voice, “do me, I do you". Travelers from the US are now expected to carry proof of being negative to Covid-19. To show how severe it is, US travelers are barred from entering countries in the Schengen zone including Italy, Spain, France and Sweden.

If there’s anything we’ll miss about Trump being president, it’s the ginger and swag every word of his comes with.

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