The Nigerian Senate on Wednesday, approved a bill that grants a 300 percent salary increase for Judicial Officers in the country.

The approval was granted after the Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights, and Legal Matters presented a report to the lawmakers. The report was presented by the Chairman of the committee, Senator Mohammed Monguno (APC – Borno North).

This follows the consideration and adoption of an executive bill by President Bola Tinubu which sought to provide new salaries and allowances for judicial officers and workers in the country.

President Tinubu said the bill seeks to prescribe improved salaries and allowances as well as other fringe benefits for judicial officers and workers.

The Executive bill forwarded by the President is titled “A Bill for an Act to Prescribe the Salaries, Allowances and Fringe Benefits of Judicial Office Holders in Nigeria and for Related Matters”.

The bill provides a total monthly package of 5,385,047.26 for the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN).

Justices of the Supreme Court are to earn a total package of ₦4, 213,192.54, while the President of the Court of Appeal is to earn a total monthly package of ₦4, 478,415.78.

Also, justices of the Court of Appeal are to earn a total monthly package of ₦3, 726,665.40, while the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, President of the National Industrial Court, Chief Judge of the FCT High Court, Grand Khadi, FCT Sharia Court of Appeal, President of Customary Court of Appeal, Chief Judge state High Court and Grand Khadi of State Sharia Court of Appeal and President of state Customary Court of Appeal are to earn a total monthly package of ₦3, 527,022.61.

Senator Monguno in his presentation said stakeholders at the public hearing of the bill were unanimous in their support for the bill to provide better remuneration for judicial workers. He added that the bill aligned with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the standing rules of the Senate.

The proposed legislation is apt and timely as the increase in remuneration of judicial office holders is long overdue in light of the present economic realities and high inflation in the country,” he said.

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