Former President, Olusegun Obasanjo has commended Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri for his notable contributions to the development of Adamawa State through significant infrastructure investments.

The praise came during the commissioning of a multi-billion-naira interchange project in Yola, which marks a major milestone in Fintiri’s five-year tenure.

At the event, Obasanjo highlighted the positive impact of democratic governance in Nigeria, citing the infrastructure achievements in Adamawa as a clear indication of democracy’s strength and potential for continued growth within the country.

“Despite criticism from detractors, democracy is firmly established in Nigeria, and this project is a testament to what can be achieved under such a system,” Obasanjo stated.

Governor Fintiri, in his remarks, attributed the successful completion of the grade interchange project to the hard work, frugality, commitment, and dedication of his team.

He emphasized that the project, which faced initial skepticism, was not only completed excellently but also delivered on time.

Fintiri encouraged skeptics to look at the results: “This project stands as proof of what vision, courage, and commitment can accomplish.”

Former Governor Bala Ngilari also praised Fintiri’s leadership, noting significant progress in the state’s development since he took office.

The interchange project is one of several initiatives that have been undertaken to improve infrastructure and boost economic growth in Adamawa State under Governor Fintiri’s administration.

The commissioning event was well-attended by dignitaries and citizens, who expressed their appreciation for the visible improvements in their community’s infrastructure.





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