Interpol (International Police) have apprehended a Nigerian, for human trafficking, along with 286 others in July 2021.

The Nigerian, whose name remains unknown, trafficked humans through the West African countries of Togo, Ghana, and Benin.

The International Police intercepted the human trafficker while on usual business in Ghana after being placed under red alert by Spain for cross-border crimes.

The following statement from Interpol was released on their official website after the arrest:

“Operation STOP (Smuggling Training and Operations Program) included training provided to 20 frontline officers to optimize the use of INTERPOL’s policing capabilities – including its criminal and stolen and lost travel documents databases – to better track the movement of criminals and identify potential victims.

“After the training session, officers from various enforcement services including aviation security, customs, immigration, narcotics and Ghana’s INTERPOL National Central Bureau were deployed to Accra Airport where they carried out almost 33,000 checks against INTERPOL’s databases.

In this respect, the detection from a passenger manifest of a Nigerian national wanted internationally under a Red Notice issued by Spain on human trafficking charges further underlined the role of INTERPOL’s policing tools to help secure borders by identifying wanted individuals.

The hit on the Spanish Red Notice was generated by checking names and passports against INTERPOL’s databases using I-Batch, an application that processes bulk data from passenger manifests in a very short time.”

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