Guess who got into a tweeter brawl with a troll? The son of one of the crème de la crème of the society – Kidd Waya.

The ex BBnaija housemate had recently tweeted issuing a note of warning to anyone who cares to read, not to compare him with someone else but this didn’t go down well.

In his tweet, he stated: “after the week I’ve had. The people I’ve met. Pls don’t compare me with to your fav anymore. I think that ship has God damn sailed.”

But this was immediately greeted by a member of the bitter FC on tweeter dishing out her hate on ceramic plate who asked him to put the pictures he took with the people he met and frame them. 

She trolled him further by asking him to take those pictures to his father’s house.

Like always, Kidd Waya seems to know the perfect application of the 3rd law of Newton which says: for every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction by giving his reply.

Well, this is not the first time he is giving replies to random tweeps who comes at him – more like, he does it often.

In his reply to her, he made it known that he does not only have one house but two spacious houses, home and abroad, in which he can decide to stay in any, all he needs to do is switch passports.

On the flip side, I wonder why people pick on rich kids. why are people always so quick to throw jabs at rich kids? Is it a crime to belong to a rich family? is there an award for the best trolled or what?

He may be gentle but It’s plausible the way he stands his ground not to be trodden upon again – this will serve as a stern warning for anyone who may want to take a swipe at him in the nearest future.

No one cares if you’re poor, why being so bitter against the rich?

What do you say to this? Should he have ignored the tweep or he did a good job in defending himself? Is his reaction enough to conclude that he lived a life of pretence all through his stay at the BBN house?

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