Following a few hours after reality TV stars, Erica and Kiddwaya sued for peace, another housemate of the BBN season 4, Khafi Kareem has reacted to this.

Earlier, an Erica stan with the username @truth_icon1 had taken to her IG page to draft a lengthy post about how several bullies, slut-shamers, and patriarchy FC allied to troll Erica.

Her post read: Erica you are a great person, you are a queen, a conqueror, a survivor. You will get past whatever you are going through now, you will survive it and you will never get used to insults. Nina survived, Bam Bam survived, Khafi survived, you will survive it.

This did not sit well with Khafi as she took to her Twitter handle to tweet her response saying Keep my name out of your mouth. You cannot pick and choose to play the mental health/ peace & love card when you choose.

She continued further by saying I normally keep quiet and dont respond to such nonsense but dont you dare use me as an example because I did not survive what I survived because of you your hypocrisy stinks

Mental health in this part of the world, Nigeria especially is underrated. You dont just throw insults on people and expect them to absolve it and keep mute without fighting back.

With all of these trolls she had endured and kept mute, do you think Khafi did the right thing by scolding Ericas stan or she went overboard doing so?

What do you say to this?

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