One of Nollywood’s finest actresses Charity Eke, popularly known as Cha-cha, has revealed the shocking state of her health.

In a video posted on her official Instagram page earlier today, the actress debunked popular opinions that she’d been a victim of domestic violence and rather revealed that she’s been diagnosed of bipolar disorder and is currently receiving care at First Delta American Hospital in Asaba.

In her words,

“Five days ago, I made a video saying that my marriage to Austin Faani is over and the video came with a lot of backlash from people with many insinuating that is a clear case of domestic violence. It’s not. Austin has never laid his hands on me, he has never even raised his voice at me and God in heaven knows that it’s the truth…I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder…"

Recall that few days back, the actress posted a video on her Instagram page saying that her 7-years old marriage to movie producer Austin Faani Ikechukwu is over. (The marriage is blessed with three adorable children).

In the now deleted video, she’d said,

“You will say I am crazy but I am not. This video is to let the world know that I am done with the marriage. I don’t have a lot to prove that I am done with him but I am done. I’m done. I am leaving with my life finally. I can’t say a lot now. You will hear my story’.

The 33-years old thespian rose to fame in 2012 after featuring in the drama film, The End is Near.

In case you’re still wondering what bipolar disorder is, it is a medical condition that causes extreme mood swings ranging from mania to depression. It affects almost all age bracket with common occurrences in people above 60years. In Nigeria alone, an estimated 1.2 million people are being diagnosed of the disease yearly. The cause is unknown and the cure is yet to be found. It can only be managed.

As she goes through this difficult moment of her life, we at wish her a speedy recovery.

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