#Endsars is back as number one on the trend table as it should be! At this point in time #endsars has gone beyond ending the police squad supposedly in charge of robbery. Everytime the government does something that Nigerians deem dumb, hypocritical or fake the #Endsars flag is hoisted up.

With the news of the attack on the United State Capitol yesterday, every internet space and Nigerian news stations such as Channels TV and NTA  decided that there was no other news worth their precious time; and so they’ve been airing scenes from Americas White House attack for more than 24hours.

This is sticking to young Nigerians because when they took to the streets to protest bad governance these same TV stations turned deaf ears and blind eyes to them. On the other hand, Arise TV is trending for all the right reasons being the only station that supported and broadcasted the #endsars protest when it was at it’s peak.

The hypocrisy of government officials and these TV stations have triggered fresh anger in Nigerian youths which is why the hashtag steadily climbed up to number one position today.

Who can blame the youths? Our backyard is full of dirt but government wants to be sweeping the backyard of other countries.

As for me, I am in full support of the hashtag trending again, if that’s what will make these news stations do what they’re supposed to. Let  their heart cut small! We must soro soke!

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