Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has stated that Africa will miss Gen. Colin Powell, the late US Secretary of State.

Powell was characterized as someone who knew Africa during his lifetime and would be remembered for his legacy and closeness to the continent in a statement by the former President’s Special Assistant on Media, Kehinde Akinyemi.

Powell’s “death is a profound loss not only to his personal family and the United States of America, but also to the entire globe," he added.

The statement read, “He was Secretary of State under the administration of President George W. Bush, Jnr, part of the time I was President of Nigeria. He was not just an African-American, he was an African-American who understood Africa. That is what I found in him when he was Secretary of State."

“Though the world, particularly Africa, would miss him, his legacies would continue to inspire many to reach the highest points of their productive, political and creative abilities. May God grant his soul perfect peace and rest.”

Obasanjo also spoke on his friendship with Powell, the first black Secretary of State, calling him as a “trustworthy colleague."

“I cherished our relationship for the good of humanity in general and especially for the good of our race which collectively is the most abused, despised and disregarded race in modern history. He was indeed a trusted colleague and Comrade-in-Arm,” the former President said.

The post ‘Africa will miss Colin Powell’ first appeared on Punchng

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